Real life name:Naser
In game name: SELS>Naser
Email: naser971@hotmail .gr,you can add me on skype if u want nasermagas
Language spoken:Greek,English,A bit German.
What are you specialized into:I'm good at tests,I think Im good member and good General or Commader and I can gave money.
Skills and ability(150 words): Im good driver and my driving skills are 9/10,I think Im good pilot my flying skills are 8/10,I can shot and kill someone easy! but I need m4 uzi and sometimes sniper shoting skills 8/10,but I cant drive and shot is little hard for me,My favorites weapons are M4,UZI Desert eagle,sniper,and shotgun.
Time played in SELS:1 day and some hours
What makes you special?:Im member and Im good shoter,I love teamworking.